“Art of the Formula 1 Race Car” – winners

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Congratulations to our five winners of the F1 Fanatic “Art of the Formula 1 Race Car” competition. They are:

Vipin Vijay of Kellyville, Australia
Kyle Rutherford of Glendale, United States
David Roges of Dallas, United States
Simon Booth of Worthing, United Kingdom
Arnaud Taminiau of Gembloux, Belgium

Well done to all of you and commiserations to everyone who entered but did not win a copy.

If you didn’t win a copy and would still like to get your hands on a copy of the book you can buy it from the link below and read the review here

Buy “Art of the Formula One Race Car”

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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14 comments on ““Art of the Formula 1 Race Car” – winners”

  1. congrats to the winners!

  2. damn! i wanted one :P!

    congrats, winners!

  3. Green with envy! Congrats to winners! Fantastic spread of locations of readers!

  4. Damn, now I’ll have to buy it myself! .. Well done to the winners :)

  5. Congratulation to the winner, everybody wanted to win but only five can, may be next time.

  6. well done! lucky, so lucky… :)

  7. Fine!!! Keep your book. I’ll get one myself.Hmph.

    Hehehe. Just kidding. I got one already. It’s a lovely book. Hope there’ll be a sequel.

  8. congrats to all the winners

  9. Congratulations to the winners.

    For all who did not win, good luck next time. A real shame about not winning it. Maybe i have to put it on the wish list for my birthday or for christmas.

  10. Nathan Bradley
    28th April 2010, 9:18

    Well done winners, another book to my wish list!

  11. Well, I think I have to buy the book myself right now!

  12. Congrats winners. Enjoy your prize :)

  13. Morningview66
    28th April 2010, 19:50

    Its really nice to see everyone commenting to simply say well done to the winners. Great community weve got here :)

  14. Fascinating and fantastic stuff. Keep it coming. I am normally interested inside story

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