
F1 Books: 'Technical Analysis' and 'Science of F1'

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    There are two series of books about F1 design and I would like to know if you have an opinion on either or both.

    They are:

    The ‘Formula 1 Technical Analysis’ series


    The ‘Science of Formula 1 Design’ series

    You can find both on Amazon easily.

    I’m primarily looking for a book that explains the aerodynamics in the maximum detail that a non-specialist can cope with!

    I’ve seen Keith reviewed the latest ‘Science of F1 Design’ book and gave it 4 out of 5. How does it compare with the ‘Technical Analysis’ series?


    The Technical Analysis series look in detail at the technical developments brought forward in each GP season. It looks in some detail at aerodynamic changes as well as other developments. The books are skillfully illustrated by Giorgio Piola, who also does the post race technical analysis in Autosport – so if you want to see the sort of thing you’d get, pick up a copy of the magazine the Thursday after a GP.

    I haven’t read David Tremayne’s Science of F1 Design, but my understanding is that it’s a more general approach to Forumla 1 so may be more suitable as an introduction.

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