Alonso and Massa in action at Ferrari World Finals

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Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa appeared at Ferrari’s traditional end-of-season celebration.

The Ferrari World Final was held in Valencia and included several classic Ferraris from their F1 Clienti programme.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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26 comments on “Alonso and Massa in action at Ferrari World Finals”

  1. Wow awesome pics, any idea who the other drives were aside from Alonso, Massa, Bianchi and Rigon?

  2. I believe the man driving the F300 is wearing a Vitaly Petrov like helmet.

  3. ahaha love the pics of Alonso with no hands

  4. Are these 2009 Ferraris that Alonso and Massa are driving? That year we saw probably the ugliest Ferrari and McLaren, made even more ugly by the fact that their 2008 cars were masterpieces, both in terms of looks and speed.

    1. Yes, ALO and MAS are driving the F60, a truly appalling car.

    2. 2008? Looks good? wut.

      1. @mike Well looks are all about perspective. The F2008 and MP4-23 can be compared to a stunningly pretty girl wearing lots of make-up. The F60 and MP4-24 wore less make-up(aerodynamic appendages), but possibly the magical ratios were skewed as well(read:high rear wings, broad front wings).
        I might be wrong, but that is how I feel.

        1. F2008, MP4-23, F1.08 all time my favorites.

          1. i hated all those ugly wiglets, flip-ups, horns & dumbo wings on the pre-2009 cars.

            the post 2009 spec cars may look odd proportionally with the small/high rear wing & long front wings but aesthetically I prefer the cleaner look.

            as for the 2009 f60, i actually really like the look of that car, especially the lower, rounder nose 7 coke-bottle shaped sidepods/rear end which were reminiscent of the early/mid-90’s cars.

    3. I honestly like the F60. Less than the F2008, less than the F10 (maybe) but more than the 150° Italia and definitely more than the F2012!

      1. I’m almost same with you @fixy except F2012. I like F2008 most and then F2012, F10, F60, 150 Italian.

  5. This is awesome, I would like to see Mc Laren or Mercedes doing that.

    1. @francorchamps17 McLaren, yes. Mercedes, not so sure. They don’t have much in the way of recent history…or success.

  6. Seems like the best Grand Prix cars are RED

  7. Stephen Higgins
    2nd December 2012, 22:47

    Always thought the 1995 412T2 was a great looking car, last of the classic-looking wide-track Ferrari F1 cars and had Schumi been driving that a year earlier, he could have taken that car to the 1995 Championship !!

  8. Keith, I believe that’s a F2007, not F2008. Refer to the different nose to verify (as well as the fact it has the 07 livery).

  9. pre-2009 cars still look more ‘normal’ than todays cars with stepped noses, enormously wide and complicated front wings and too high rear wings. sides are simpler though, compared to late 00s cars which had winglets on everywhere possible.

  10. I’ve said it before when pictures of Ferrari’s F1 Clienti cars appear on this blog and I’ll say it again, those 1987/1988 Ferrari’s are so underrated, they are just gorgeous. Scarlet body, black wings, low and wide. Perfect.

    1. and only car won against mighty Mclarens in 1988!

      1. Jean-Louis Schlesser had a lot to do with that though!

    2. @geemac Indeed – last F1 Ferrari with a gear lever, of course:

      1. Indeed. That is a cracking image…thanks for that.

  11. It’s a pity Bianchi and Rigon didn’t get to drive the F60 as well. Last year (or was it two years ago?) when Badoer was driving the three cars made for a perfect photo! How I miss Luca :(

  12. Why are Ferrari still using the F60s? I remember the rules saying you can use cars from two years ago, so why aren’t they using the F10s? They used them in 2010 for some reason.

    1. I don’t know. Definitely F10 has more good memories, not to mention better appearance!

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