Updated F1 team and car data for 2013

2013 F1 season

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The F1 team and car information pages have been brought up-to-date for the 2013 season.

2013 F1 teams

The teams information pages include interactive charts of their past results, updated lists of major staff members including all the drivers’ race engineers as well as lists of every driver who has appeared for them.

Find the pages for each team here and via the Info > Teams menu:

2013 F1 car image galleries

There are also dedicated image galleries for each of the 11 cars on the grid this year. These will be updated throughout the season:

You can find similar galleries for hundreds more past F1 cars here:

2013 F1 season

Browse all 2013 F1 season articles

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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11 comments on “Updated F1 team and car data for 2013”

  1. I think we’ll be seeing pictures of Vettel leading into turn 1 fairly frequently this year…

    1. That’s alright…. as long as he doesn’t do the same crossing the finish line!

      1. @poul – fair enough! I just hope Grosjean isn’t the deciding factor! ;)

        1. mmm…. I suppose you are not talking about beating him to the line….

          1. @poul – indeed: he’s been much better this year so far though (it is early days though) and Vettel’s been far enough ahead in qualifying anyway. ;)

          2. @vettel1
            Two fluke pole positions in changing conditions means nothing – he was nowhere in Malaysia Qualy until it began raining. ;-)

          3. I think we’ll be seeing pictures of Vettel leading into turn 1 fairly frequently this year…

            With two Ferrari’s on his tail, that too I suppose? :-)

          4. Two fluke pole positions in changing conditions means nothing – he was nowhere in Malaysia Qualy until it began raining. ;-)

            That’s because he was sparing a set of mediums for the race, which gave him the upper hand in the last stint.

          5. @kingshark

            With two Ferrari’s on his tail

            That’s quite possible: they are looking much better this season than they were at this point last season! I think that we may see a couple of silver cars up there too though! ;)

  2. Apropos of these changes, shouldn’t the Ferrari drivers be ahead of the McLaren ones on the links at the bottom of the page? Also, the Kimster should be ahead of the Mercedes drivers. The constructors also need to be rearranged too.

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