
Valencia F1 GP tickets

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  • #127733

    Has anyone purchased from EasyGpt or GP-Valanecia.es for F1 tickets.

    We are looking to get tickets for the Valencian GP but there are so many bogus sites out there.If anyone could recommend alternatives to the above if these are bogus , it would be much appreciated. We have been advised to go to the Nazaret section as this has a good view and a large screen.

    Many thanks in advance


    I bought my Valencia tickets a bookf1.com and they arrived in like 3 weeks time (like two days after the tickets came out) there were a few problems I had with them not accepting a drivers liscence or something like that but we got our tickets for 30 bucks less then all other websites so I do recommend it. Anyway, what tickets are you planning on getting, I think mines are g3 or 4.

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